Blog Post One

“Is ait a nac an saol” - Gaelic

Life is strange

Beginning in 2024 I learned that my famiy was fragmented, less than half backed and believed in me and 80% thought I would fail and likely prayed for such an outcome. I was also left by the woman I thought I’d spend my life with and would have loved too but other plans and partners she did have. It is funny when life decides you are doing too good and throws you a curve. Sometimes we have to get up and dust ourselves off with minimal or no help and little to no faith from ones that used to look up to us that now despise us. If I am to go down, I shall do so on my own terms, fighting, kicking, screaming and giving an explitive to the people who wished I’d fail and left me at my lowest to pursue self gratification and the powers that be. I do not blame them for they follow the majority. I, however, have lived a different life and I carve a different path. Welcome to Ferguson Corp, the first of many ideas I have for my future. Whether I make it or crash and burn, I do so on my own terms and with full control of the outcome. Life is strange but sometimes the strange can be a good thing and the strange can be tamed.

Cheers to 2024 and may we all succeed in achieving our prime goals and may wishes be attainable and the people genuine. To my beloved, my heart will always miss your absence but not your treatment. May the happiness I could not provide find you. Since you prefer everything to be private, this internet blog and shout out is for you. Cheers my dear.

KH Ferguson